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myself | experience | personal projects


Hi, my name is Thomas Barthélémy. I decided to create this GitHub User Page to introduce myself as well as to present some of my personal projects. Have a good time there (=

About me

Since I was a little boy, I have always been interested in computer science and new technology, not only as a user but also as a developer - all my friends from childhood could tell you. Far away from my first console application in junior school, I am currently studying Computer Engineering at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne in France. I am specialized in human-computer interface and interaction, software design and knowledge engineering.



For Android project please visit

25th hour

What would I do if there were 25 hours in a day ? I would work on the following projects that I dream to achieve...

Could a bot be a millionaire ?

Here was my first idea :
Could question been automatically answered with search engine ?

Of course, for humans this question make no sense. Each second many answers are found with search engine. But what about "automatically" retrieve answer ?

Automatically means here, found the right answer without any human processing. That include, no human processing for the question and also no human processing of the huge amount of information given by search engines. To achieve that without human processing, some code needs to perform the same thing.

If processing a question automatically seems to be a reasonable project, I can't say the same thing for processing the huge amount of information given by search engines. In fact, that include a lot of semantic knowledges.

That is the reason why, I decided to start by a more simple project before trying to achieve the last mentioned one :
Could a multiple choice been solved automatically with search engines ?

For that personnal project, i will concider the world famous game : Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Could a Bot Be a Millionaire ? Here is my project.

In order to develop a robot which can play to “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, two main different parts must be implemented.

The first step is to retrieve the question and the four answers. To perform that, this robot will try to use optical character recognition (OCR).

The second step is to use search engine API in order to find the right answer. Different search strategies will be tested.

These two parts will be implemented after different steps of analyze. Tests will also be developed in order to choose the more efficient solution.

Let's work on it !